Greg Stamer is the past-President and founder of Qajaq USA, the American Chapter of the Greenland Kayaking Association (Qaannat Kattuffiat) and is a current member of the Qajaq USA board of directors. Greg is a frequent instructor / contributor at Qajaq USA events.

Greg has written extensively about Greenland kayaking, including kayak magazine articles and contributing a chapter on Using Greenland paddles to “Eastern Arctic Kayaks, History, Design, Technique” by John D. Heath and E. Y. Arima.

Greg has participated in the Greenland kayaking championship twice, including attending a week long Greenland training camp held in Qoornoq Greenland to learn techniques directly from the Greenlanders.

A featured paddler in Justine Curgenven’s first “This is the Sea” video, Greg is also guest-instructor in Nigel Foster’s popular “Sea Kayaking Series”.

In June 2007 Greg and Freya Hoffmeister circumnavigated Iceland (1,620 km) in 33 days (25 paddling days), a record. Greg paddled an NDK Explorer and used a carbon Superior Kayaks Greenland paddle on the trip.

In June 2008 Greg circumnavigated Newfoundland solo (2,102 km) in 44 days (35 paddling days), a record.  Greg paddled an NDK Greenlander Pro and used a take-apart carbon Superior Kayaks Greenland paddles on the trip.

In 2013 and 2015 Greg won his class as the first solo kayak to finish the Watertribe Everglades Challenge, a 300 mile (482 km) expedition-style race from Tampa to Key Largo, in Florida, USA.  Greg continues to enjoy participating in this race each year and other long distance races.

In addition to “Greenland-style” kayaking, Greg enjoys kayak surfing and touring/camping and he also enjoys racing and training with wing paddles as well.  Greg lives in Orlando Florida with partner Pauline Besson.

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