JC Eloy

JC Eloy

I discovered sea kayaking in Corsica and this new way of visiting the coast immediately appealed to me. So I took my license at Palavas Kayak de Mer in 2010. Soon I met several members of Pagaia who made me discover their club and the Greenlandic paddle. I then...
Sue Couling

Sue Couling

I have been paddling for most of my life. These days I spend most of my time out on the sea. I live in Anglesey in North Wales and regularly play out on the fast-moving waters around the island. I am an Advanced Water Performance Sea Kayak Coach (British Canoeing) and...
Steven Hobert

Steven Hobert

I’m a (sports-) physiotherapist and first-aid provider. BCU 5*, and running for BC sea kayak coach. Paddling both sea kayak and whitewater and love to combine skills from one discipline in another. Over 14 years coaching experience in own courses, Belgian system and...
Michal Madera

Michal Madera

  Already, when sitting in the sea kayak for the first few times, I set my eyes on the circumnavigation the of mainland of Britain. Three years later I successfully achieved my goal accompanied by my wife Natalie.  It was this paddling journey, which really...
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