These are the coaches of the 2019 Edition

Phil Hadley
In his own words “I LOVE PADDLING!”
Phil is passionate about coaching people how to paddle any boat – canoe, kayak, sea kayak, paddleboard, even coracles!
Anna Moreno
Anna started kayaking on 2003 and she got very soon hooked on it and on the contact with nature. She loves paddling close home, in the Costa Brava…..
Ashley Williams
I started kayaking when I moved to Norway in 2010. I found myself working in a camp school where kayaking and canoeing were lead activities so I soon became introduced to the water.
Catriona Nicol
Catriona is an advanced water endorsed coach and current BCU 5 star leader in sea kayaking and is from Shetland!
Daniel Julian
The kayak had a special impact on my life during the 15 years that I spent working in the Raid Gauloises [adventure races], creating the diffusion of the greatest competition that has existed of sport in nature
David Appéré
Start kayaking in 1987 at Landerneau with the club “Les Alligators de l’Elorn”, where he was volunteer since 1989
Eila Wilkinson
I started sea kayaking in 2008 and completed my first solo circumnavigation of Anglesey the same year in 14.40 hours. After this trip Nigel suggested I circumnavigate Ireland
Elke Grunwald
Elke Grunwald, a primary school teacher, is now paddling for more than 20 years. She started with a folding boat on the rivers around her hometown Bremen and later she was guiding tours with her family and friends in Germany, Poland, Denmark and Sweden.
Eva Lotta Backman
Eva-Lotta is a recognized BCU 5 star paddler from Finland. She has also obtained coach level 3 (BCC/UKCC).
Greg Stamer
Greg Stamer is the past-President and founder of Qajaq USA, the American Chapter of the Greenland Kayaking Association (Qaannat Kattuffiat) and is a current member of the Qajaq USA board of directors. Greg is a frequent instructor / contributor at Qajaq...
Jean Marc Terrade
An expert in coasts and coastal management, nature guide, specialist in nature and outdoor sports education and particularly in water sports.
Jerome Leray
I started sea kayaking 15 years ago and soon become a nice passion.
Joan Ramon Pros
Sportsman and passionate of the sea, in 1978 he got his first kayak with which he “discover “ the Costa Brava and the incredible navigation qualities of this small boat.
Kai Urban
Kayaking is my perfect way of traveling along beautiful coastlines.
Kate Dufuss
Kate is one of only five women to achieve the BCU Level 5 Sea Kayak Coach Award. She is also a Level 4 White Water and Level 3 Canoe Coach.
Maligiaq Padilla
Taught youth through Elders traditional Inuit qayaq/umiaq building and paddling, rolling and safety from beginner through expert levels, power and hand tool use and construction safety:
Manolo Pastoriza
” I started canoeing at the age of 12 and my first sea kayak expereince was in 1997. What I like more is paddling all the year, specialy along the Galicia coast”.
Marc Martin
Marc Martin began sea kayaking in 2001 when his friend David came into the library of the Faculty of Computer Sciences, banged his hand on the table and said, “There, look what I’ve bought. I have a Kayak”.
Mark Vogel
At seakayaking I like the variety of holiday tours, playing in Rough
Water and rock hopping or the discovery of movement contexts in
paddling technique and rolling training.
Mirco Goldhausen
He bought a second hand NDK Explorer in 2006 whilst living in Switzerland and has been passionate about the sport and the versatility of the sea kayak ever since.
Nathalie Maderova
Nathalie, original from Czech Republic, has started to paddle in Britain, and considers the tidal Thames her home water.
Nigel Dennis
Nigel Dennis began sea kayaking at the age of 23, and within three years had completed the first circumnavigation of Britain, with fellow kayaker Paul Caffyn…
Nigel Foster
His kayaking mantra/philosophy is maximum effect for minimum effort.
Pau Calero
Kayak instructor since 1999, and has been a coach at every Pagaia Symposium.
He is a BCU Coach Level 2 and BCU (5 Star) Advanced Sea Kayak Leader, and Sea Kayak trainer (TD2) of the Catalan Canoeing Federation (FCP).
Rai Puig
For more than 10 years, Rai has worked exclusively as a kayak instructor in different companies and schools in the sector, both in the Costa Brava, Costa Dorada, the Balearic Islands and even in remote places such as Patagonia and Greenland.
Richard Uren
Originally a farmer, I have been kayaking for over thirty years and have participated and competed in many aspects of the sport. Sea kayaking is my real passion, growing up in Cornwall you are always in sight of the sea and are aware of her moods.
Rick Cooper
I live near Plymouth – Britain’s Ocean City. It’s a great place to paddle – the wild coasts offer challenging conditions with big swells and rocky cliffs
Roger Rovira
Roger Rovira, 39 years old. I’m a trips, nature and adventure photographer and I share this activity with guiding sea kayak trips for the company KayakingCostaBrava during some months a year
Sid Sinfield
Sid has been kayaking and canoeing for over 35 years and first qualified as a coach in 1989. He has spent a large portion of his life exploring in different boats.
Stephen Miles
I have lived all of my life on Holy island off the west coast of Anglesey, North Wales, with its dramatic coast and fast flowing tidal streams the backdrop to my misadventures while growing up.
Steven Hobert
I’m a (sports-) physiotherapist and first-aid provider. BCU 5*, and running for BC sea kayak coach.
Tatiana Capucci
I love Inuit culture, and I enjoy a lot doing Greenland skimo rolls. Since 2010 I promote with other local associations the Italian Rolling Championship, which takes place every March in Genova.
Toni Albert
Born in 1965. Since very young linked to the sea and nautical activities. After nautical studies he had the certifications of Yatch Captain, Cabotage Major Patron and Cruise Coach.
Vincent Achard
A passionate kayaker since his childhood, Vincent decided very early-on to make his passion his vocation. With a degree in Education under his belt, he went on to plunge his paddle into all kinds of waters: rapids, fresh or salt water, from the Andean rivers to the Amazon, in the alpine and himalayan torrents, alternating personal expeditions with seasons as a kayak guide.
Yann Lemoine
From the age of ten, sea kayaking has been for me a passion, a lifestyle and a livelihood.