Sportsman and passionate of the sea, in 1978 he got his first kayak with which he “discover “ the Costa Brava and the incredible navigation qualities of this small boat.
As enthusiast and pioneer he joint a lot of actions to spread this kind of vital experience..
Convinced user of the Greenland paddle he participates in teaching activities.
“At the end of the 80s a few rare guys, which instead of going to the beach with the towel we carry the kayak on the shoulder, put together to start the adventure of paddling a piece of coast or circumnavigate an island. We started with the prettiest, Menorca. And since then, we do every autumn.
From this group some interesting initiatives came out like Kayaking Costa Brava and Mediterrània Kayak Mar.
Today instead of rare we become privileged being able to enjoy an idyllic environment still free of crowds as we do.”